Ayurveda is a holistic lifestyle science, integrated over time. It is based in ancient wisdom and the cycles of our natural world. Ayurveda is a system accessible to everyone, and is for those looking for more out of life. Living a life filled with purpose starts here!

Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga, and translates as “The Science of Life”. The principles of Ayurveda address everything about being human- sleep, emotions, food, mental and physical health, relationships, work, spiritual life, astrology, money, family, everything- it is truly holistic!

In this workshop we will discuss the 3 Doshas and the 5 Elements and how this wisdom shows up in everything we are, and everything we do. You will learn how to tap into these energies within you, feel for balance and imbalance, and learn how to bring harmony back into any area of your self or your life when needed.

When these elements in our mind-body constitution are balanced, we feel emotional, psychological and physical wellness. When they are unbalanced, we may feel anxious, sick, disconnected, or just out of sorts. When they are significantly out of balance -- when one or more of the three doshic influences are excessive -- obvious symptoms or even disease can be observed and experienced.